Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I have sooo much blogging catching up to do!!

Here's a little bit.

Some of my favorite November moments/pictures:

Homemade apple pie Haylee helped Auntie Janeal make

Preschool Thanksgiving Party:


Love this picture - it was during our huge 5 family garage sale... McKay loved all the stuffed animals.

This was so sweet... McKay was downstairs taking a nap and Haylee had been playing down there, but after awhile I realized it had gotten really quiet. I went down to check on things and there she was, curled up next to her brother, asleep on the couch. So sweet!

This was pretty cute too... Haylee and McKay came in the room like this... Haylee had put them on them both. Adorable.


Sarah Buma said...

Okay, both are PRECIOUS. Yes, before you know it you'll be driving them to Young Womens (freaking out!!!) and cub scouts. I know you are, but here's me...a total reality check...it goes FAST! I'm still enjoying it, but these squishy, young smiles are SO FAMILIAR TO ME and make me a little weepy for the fact that I asked you today for a treasure note for Ashton's New Beginnings. Getting too emotional...I'll quit.

Lori and Brian Faulconer said...

Haylee looks so much like you! I love your cute kids, they are just so sweet!

MGSKeller said...

Heh. . . looks like future blackmail amo. You forget, I have pictures of you and Derek like this. Hummmm, I really ought to drag those out.

Love you, love those babies!


Your kids are just too cute for me... I can't handle it!