Okay, so there were a few more things I wanted to mention about the kids' Halloween costumes. First of all, hello...!!! I MADE THEM!! I know that doesn't mean much to most of you uber-talented people out there who do things like this regularly, but I AM NOT A SEWER! At least, I wasn't. I don't know where this came from, but I love sewing now! I never had ANY interest whatsoever in sewing (even though my mom and grandma and great grandma are amazing seamstresses). Until
one of my girlfriends mentioned a really simple way to make a cute little girl's jumper (which I still haven't finished...), and I saw how easy and fun sewing was. Now I'm hooked! There are about a bazillion projects I want to do.
So anyway, I'm a very beginning sewer and am really not one of those people who just whipps out an outfit, so I'm totally impressed with myself with these costumes. I spent all day Saturday working on them (and my wonderful husband took great care of the kids all day) and I had a BLAST! It was really so much fun.
The other really cool thing is, that I didn't even have a pattern. I just followed these tutorials (
peter), and I made my OWN patterns, using clothes I have! How cool is that? I learned how to do that and got some new skills. Of course, I learned a lot through the whole process, which is always really awesome. I didn't get to take any good pictures of them, mostly because our backyard is dirt and not very pretty at all. So we'll have to put them back on and go to the park one of these days.
Anyway... just wanted to share that stuff. Thanks for looking!